
Juego Textual

Talk show

En “Juego Textual” ocho mujeres, un invitado y un presentador de lujo, conversan con diferentes figuras femeninas y masculinas acerca de diversos temas del acontecer nacional. En “Juego Textual” el invitado vivirá una experiencia en torno a una conversación única que revelará los momentos más íntimos de su vida, a través de variadas dinámicas y secciones llenas de vértigo y adrenalina.
To watch full episodes email us atsudmedia@13.cl
We are Sudmedia

For 65 years, Canal 13 kept innovating, producing, and broadcasting programs with the highest quality and creativity standards. For decades, Canal 13 has been in constant dialogue with the audience, through its leadership and pluralism. Canal 13’s wide range of programs includes news, entertainment, docushows, telenovelas, series, documentaries, and much more. Canal 13 S.p.A. owns a group of radio stations, three pay TV channels (13c, RecTV and T13), websites: 13.cl; t13.cl: ar13.cl; nosotras13.cl; smart13.cl; deportes13..cl, 13now.cl, deportes13.cl, the FAST signal 13GO, the podcast platform Emisor Podcasting, and its international channel, 13i. Since 2013, 13Sudmedia has been the international sales arm of Canal 13 S.p.A., offering a variety of content which continues adding success to Canal 13.

Rodrigo Correa
Sales Content Manager / rcorrea@13.cl
Adriana Weber
Sales Executive / aweber@13.cl
Ilse Hinrichsen
Product Manager / ihinrichsen@13.cl