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Influencer demuestra con fotos que en redes sociales “nada es lo que parece”

Por: Christian García
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Modelo de Instagram demostró que “las apariencias engañan” usando sencillos trucos.

Danae Mercer, modelo y periodista, tiene una bandera de lucha: “potenciar el amor propio”. De esta manera, y a través de su cuenta de Instagram @danaemercer, intenta ayudar a diario a la gente con sus consejos de aceptación física.

La influencer destaca en sus publicaciones que las personas usan técnicas para mostrarse siempre perfectas en sus fotos y que ocultan lo que consideran defectos, cuando deberían aprender a aceptar sus cuerpos tal cual son.

A raíz de esto, Mercer decidió explicar como la flacidez, las estrías o la celulitis pueden esconderse con una buena iluminación o una postura y ángulo estratégico, dejando en claro el "engaño" que existe detrás de algunas publicaciones.

Al realizar la comparativa de las imágenes con técnicas vs las reales, se aprecia la más absoluta realidad.




"Normalicemos esto. Compartamos las partes de nosotros que son fuertes, feroces y planteadas, y las partes de nosotros que son más suaves, crudas, humanas", reza parte del texto que acompaña la publicación.




CELLULITE is so darn COMMON. So WEAR that swimsuit. Rock that bikini. Get out there and roll with the full wonder of all that you are. And dont let any little lumpbumps make you second guess for a single minute. Over 80 percent of women have cellulite. Thats a HUGE number - and yet we are told its bad and wrong and subtly, so subtly, taught that it is shameful. Some of us learn these lessons as little girls. Yesterday I shared a YouTube video that wants to teach exactly that. It featured a slight child deciding she was TOO BIG, so she exercised and weighed herself and ate carrots and weighed herself and climbed stairs and weighed herself. Some of us learn these lessons as adults, when brands try to SELL TO US and make money from SHAME. From creating flaws that dont exist, or from turning incredibly common bits of bodies into things that must be fixed. Wherever you learned these lessons, know that they are wrong. Your cellulite is NOT an error. A glitch in perfection. Its incredible. Unique. A stamp mark of who you are. A sign that your body is functioning and alive and doing the same thing as over 80% of other women. So today, babygirl, get out there and rock your cellulite. Celebrate your dips and rolls. Embrace your curves or your straights. And most of all, do whatever makes you SMILE. Because you are a GLORIOUS CELEBRATION. A song of limbs and heart and soul. Dont you forget it. Bikini @heiress_swimwear #selflove #bodyacceptance #normalizenormalbodies #cellulite #strengthmarks

Una publicación compartida por Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) el



ME / ALSO ME - Because POSING is fun but sitting COMFORTABLY is even better. Now lets talk DIET CULTURE myths. For years, I thought if I GOT RID of my CELLULITE, I would be happy. It has always been my hang up. So I cut calories. I dropped dress sizes. I shrank. And I waited for that joy, for that feeling of confidence. It didnt come. Not even at my smallest. None of these things made me feel BETTER about MYSELF. And now, now, years later, I am softer. Squishier. No longer starving. I weigh more. But my heart is lighter. Because heres the thing I learned the hard way, The thing that diet ads never tell you: BODY IMAGE starts on the inside. It does. Being comfortable with your cellulite? Your stretchmarks? Your bits that wiggle and jiggle and fold here or crease there? All that requires mental work. Internal heavy lifting. Where day by day, month by month, you remind yourself how INCREDIBLE you are. And how your WORTH, your VALUE as a HUMAN, doesnt CHANGE even when your body does. Nor does anyone elses. So today, fight against the urge to measure WHO YOU ARE as a HUMAN against whatever is or isnt happening with your body. Extend the same kindness to other women around you. And allow yourself the softness of a bit of self love. Because you ARE wonderful. You ARE incredible. You ARE WORTHY. Posed or relaxed, sandy or sweaty or sleepy or in any state. Youre loved. x PHOTOS @chiclebelle @gabrielleph #bodyacceptance #selflove #womenirl #cellulite #stretchmarks #normalizenormalbodies #instagramvsreality

Una publicación compartida por Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) el



Insta vs reality or LETS talk LIGHTING. Because thats the main difference in these photos. In one, my bum is deliberately angled into the shadows. The softer light hides my cellulite and smooths most of my stretchmarks. Its flattering. In the other, Im just casually squatting (lol) beside the mirror. My hips and thighs are in the sunlight. Lumps and bumps are on show. There are a few posing differences (core tight, hips popped back, squeeeezzzinnnggg), but mostly this pic is about LIGHT working its magic. When I worked in magazines, we shot at sunrise or sunset. On most sets, there were people holding SUN DIFFUSERS and REFLECTORS to help create the perfect FLATTERING balance of shadow and light. The same thing happens on SOCIAL MEDIA, just in a different form. Most insta-models know EXACTLY how to POSE and work their angles. And they know LIGHTING too. Like how SIDE LIGHT, diffused from a window, is the most flattering for abs but usually pretty harsh on the face. Its why youll often see a phone covering the face. Or how SHADOWS can gently eliminate certain LUMPS and BUMPS. All that is fine with me, honestly. Its art and photography, and there is no shame in wanting to look FIERCE. But I also want to remind you about how SO MUCH on here is FILTERED. POSED. PERFECTED. And how you shouldnt EVER COMPARE YOURSELF to a STRANGER on the internet. Because cowgirl, youre just seeing their snapshots taken in PERFECT LIGHT. Your reality is a whole lot more varied, diverse, and human than that. Its more perfectly imperfect. Real. Raw. And thats a wonderful thing indeed. You got this. x #instavsreality #womenirl #womenshealth #popsugarfitness #instagramvsreality #posingtips #cellulite #strengthmarks

Una publicación compartida por Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) el



"Insta vs realidad - o hablemos de ILUMINACIÓN. Porque esa es la principal diferencia en estas fotos. En uno, mi trasero está deliberadamente en ángulo hacia las sombras. La luz más suave oculta mi celulitis y suaviza la mayoría de mis estrías. Es halagador", indica el texto de la publicación



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