Mujer sorprende con su increíble parecido a Meghan Markle

31 de Enero de 2020 - 16:07 hrs.
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Algunas personas dicen que todos tenemos a un gemelo en alguna parte del mundo, una persona que es muy parecida a nosotros pero sin tener ningún vínculo.

Esto es lo que le ocurre a Meghan Markle,  ya que existe una mujer en Estados Unidos que es idéntica a la duquesa de Sussex.

Akeisha Land es una mujer de 39 años que desde el momento que comenzó a compartir imágenes en la cuenta de Instagram – que lleva el nombre de su hija – ha ganado gran popularidad debido a su gran parecido a la esposa del príncipe Harry.

En conversación con The Sun aseguró que más de alguna vez desconocidos la han parado en la calle porque la confunden con Meghan. Incluso amigos y su familia le han hablado sobre el gran parecido con la ex miembro de la Familia Real.

A Akeisha le encanta la idea de parecerse a la duquesa, es tan así que dice querer contactarse con el equipo de Meghan para reemplazarla en caso de que no quiera asistir a un evento.


Wonder why youre seeing my face and not Bittys? I know youd rather see her cute face, but I had to make a brief cameo to say, CHIEFSSSSSSS!! Our team is going to the Super Bowl yall; so I had to (finally) post these photos of the only game we were able to make it to this year Wish we could go to more, but with two young kiddos and church on Sundays, its hard to make it to many games. Plus parking alone is $60 and aint nobody got time for that! Also, can we just take a minute to talk about my hair?! Ive been on my natural hair journey for over 5 years now and hadnt straightened my hair in over two years. A couple years ago when I straightened my hair, even though Id been natural for so many years and used Curly Girl Method approved products only, when straightened, my hair was dull, dry, slightly brittle and my ends were a disaster. This year though, I think the results speak for themselves in these photos! And I have @olivabrand to thank! Remember back in September I told you guys I was going to start a hair trial with them? Well as you can see, my hair loves @olivabrand! Its perfect for my low porosity hair because its not as thick and heavy as most hair oils. I use it for my scalp massages as well as hot oil treatments. Its made my hair sooooo soft, smooth, and shiny! Bye frizz! Ive also been using it on Bittys hair and her curls are really starting to POP (as you can see in my previous post)! Definitely go check them out @olivabrand and use code grey15 to save 15% off of your purchase

Una publicación compartida por Greyson Regina Land (@greyson_land) el

Y tú, ¿Crees que se parecen?


A PARENTS WORST NIGHTMARE: Happened to us... Keep reading to know why weve been MIA this past week... Tristan woke up in the middle of the night before school on Monday complaining of his arm hurting and itching. My hubby said it looked like hed scratched off a bug bite. So we didnt think anything of it at first. Then when I was fully awake I was thinking how that doesnt seem like something hed normally do. And I mentioned it to Preston (my hubby) before he left for work. So when I saw Tristans elbow later while getting him ready for school his bite definitely didnt seem like a normal mosquito bite to me and I immediately thought brown recluse. But Preston told me even if it were theres nothing that can be done, so even though my instincts told me differently, I just took his word for it. But when Tristan came home from school on Monday he was clearly disoriented and not feeling well. So he napped and seemed to be in better spirits when he woke up. But then Tuesday morning he woke up early again and was puking and had diarrhea. Thats when I noticed his bite on his elbow had changed a ton and looked horrible (swipe to see the fast progression of his skin dying from necrosis over a short 48hrs from Tuesday morning to Thursday morning). So that, coupled with his throwing up and diarrhea, made me of course start worrying that it definitely was a brown recluse bite (if you dont know what a brown recluse is, Google it, its one of the top 2 most poisonous spiders, in the US). So Preston took him to the ER, where they claimed it wasnt a brown recluse bite and even claimed it couldnt go systemic even if it were. My instincts told me they were wrong so I had Preston take him to his pediatric office and they also said they didnt think it was a brown recluse bite. He was prescribed antibiotics orally from the ER and topically from his pediatrician and released. I still didnt feel right about it (so much so that I was in a full on anxiety attack for 2 days straight)... READ THE REST IN THE COMMENTS BELOW

Una publicación compartida por Greyson Regina Land (@greyson_land) el


OUR TESTIMONY... Yes, I know Ive told it before. But Im telling it again, because if theres even just one person out there that hasnt heard it and needs this word of encouragement today, I want to make sure they hear it. You see because today is a special day. Its our Anniversary our 7th to be exact. But what really makes today so special is because we barely even made it to our 2nd anniversary. It was literally just one week after our 2nd anniversary that our lives as we knew them, came crashing down. And up until that point wed really just been living in a facade. Even our wedding vows were a facade. On his and my part. I had the nerve to use the passage about what love is (1 Corinthians 13: 4-8), when I upheld none of those values. And neither did he. We fought constantly, held grudges, lost our tempers over the smallest of things (because we never addressed the bigger underlying issues), we were rude and mean and unkind towards one another, saying despicable things to hurt each other; wed argue to be the one to win the argument to prove the other one wrong. The list goes on. But thats not even what the breaking point was. It was that day, 1 week after our 2nd anniversary, that I found out about some of the things hed been doing outside of our marriage (and I could have easily blamed it all on him even though I was just as much at fault for letting our relationship get to that point in the first place), that was the breaking point. The point we could have easily of called it quits... BUT GOD!! The One wed been running from for so long, the One whom we claimed to know but showed no signs of it; in our darkest hour, it was His light that shown through. And instead of divorcing, we made our way to church. And back into Christs arms It was there that I found out how sometimes we must be broken in order for Gods great grace and mercy to be seen. It was then that we realized He needed to be first, not us. And here we are; 5 years later, still fighting for what the devil tried to tear apart... (SEE COMMENTS FOR THE REST)

Una publicación compartida por Greyson Regina Land (@greyson_land) el

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