Hermana de Paloma Mami cautiva en redes sociales con destapadas fotografías

25 de Junio de 2020
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Sofía Castillo ha ganado gran popularidad gracias a sus publicaciones en Instagram.

Desde que conocimos a Paloma Mami, siempre estuvo clara la excelente relación que lleva con su hermana, Sofía Castillo. Ambas se han dejado ver en distintos eventos y han demostrado lo mucho que se quieren. 

Sofía es la maquilladora de Paloma, además ha ganado gran popularidad en su cuenta de Instagram, donde cuenta con más de 350 mil seguidores.

En su perfil podemos ver muchas fotografías donde muestra su figura y estilo, siendo alabada por sus seguidores en cada publicación que hace. 

Recordemos que la infancia de Sofía no fue para nada fácil al enfrentar un cáncer de huesos, lo que provocó la amputación de una de sus piernas. Su historia ha insipirado a muchas personas, a pesar que la joven prefiere no hablar mucho del tema.

Revisa algunas fotografías a continuación:


Set free

Una publicación compartida por Sofía (@sofiacastillo_) el


I hope his house doesnt have stairs. Do you think its noticeable? Shit I hope im not limping... How am I suppose to tell him? No guy is gonna like a girl with one leg. He better sit on the left side of me. Wtf is he going to think when he finds out I have 1 legFuck!!! How do I tell him?! Will he care? Will this change the way he sees me? I can feel you staring at my leg. I know you know. I wish I could wear a dress like everybody else. I wish I was normal...FUCK My leg died!!! Hes on to me!! These were thoughts that dominated my life as I faced my new reality. I couldnt understand why this had happened to me. Why me? I wanted to keep this a secret, as a way to protect myself. Knowing that we instantly judge and label each other. I was scared I would be perceived as limited in our society and to everyone around me. As incomplete and unlovable. I thought if no one knew, they could see me for who I really was. But there had to be more to life than just our physical appearances. After all, our bodies are temporary in this world. What was my experience trying to teach me? When you are lost and broken, find yourself within. For you are the only one who has this power. Absorb yourself with love. Love heals our wounds. There are certain gifts given to you in this world and it's up to you to take it and create the most beautiful possibility. We have the power to create our reality. And we begin, by loving every bit of us.

Una publicación compartida por Sofía (@sofiacastillo_) el


Mis curvas solo sirven para derrapar

Una publicación compartida por Sofía (@sofiacastillo_) el


Con solo un beso le di amor eterno

Una publicación compartida por Sofía (@sofiacastillo_) el

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